Prague Gift Cards

Prague Gift Cards

The perfect gift for the foodies and travelers of your life
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As Featured In Featured on National Geographic, DW, Lonely Planet, Fodors, Virgin

Have friends or family traveling to Prague? Or are you planning your own holiday?

Purchase a gift card for any one of our food and cultural experiences that will surely be the highlight to any trip to Prague!

Select one of the amounts or enter your desired gift card value.

The value can be transferred at any time – full or partial amounts.

Our gift cards can be printed or emailed and are redeemable for 2 years in any Eating Europe location.

*Gift cards are non-refundable


We can’t wait to Eat The City with you!


People Love Us

We took a lunchtime tour with our 14 year old son and 10 year old daughter. All four of us thoroughly enjoyed it, and the kids were not bored. It was a great change of pace from the major tourist sites and a very relaxing afternoon.